Are you looking for catchy slogans for Neodymium to use for your school science project? These good slogan ideas for Neodymium mentions it’s general purposes and uses, and how we use Neodymium for strong magnets in electronics, specialized goggles, and various lasers for eyes, cosmetics, industrial purpose. Please leave comments if you have more slogans for Neodymium!
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Neodymium Slogan |
A More Beautiful & Confident You with Neodymium laser. |
Be soft like Neodymium. |
Better eyes for a better life with Neodymium laser. |
Don’t use dymium when you’ve got neodymium! |
Drive safe with Neodymium powered windshield wipers. |
Endless possibilities with Neodymium. |
Feel the wind with Neodymium turbines. |
Get loud with Neodymium microphones and loudspeakers. |
Go far with Neodymium. |
Iron and Boron alloy with Neodymium for strong permanent magnets. |
Merge neodymium and praseodymium to get didymium. |
Neodymium brings the music. |
Neodymium glasses cut out the light. |
Neodymium is the best! |
Neodymium made small electronics all possible. |
Neodymium since 1885. |
Neodymium, agent 60. |
Neodymium, found in monazite and bastnaesite. |
Neodymium, just the best. |
Neodymium, this is it! |
Neodymium, what a catalyst? |
Neodymium, what else? |
Neodymium: it brings all the magnets to the yard. |
Neodymium: It’s magnetic. |
Neodymium: Miniaturizing the electronic devices. |
Neodymium: The most attractive element! |
NIB magnets with Neodymium. |
Party with Neodymium. |
Protect your eyes from danger with Neodymium infused goggles. |
Rare earth Neodymium. |
Saving lives with Neodymium medical gears. |
Silvery-white Neodymium. |
Spark fire with Neodymium. |
Strong enough to cut steel with Neodymium lasers. |
Tanning booths made possible with Neodymium glass. |
The most powerful magnets with Neodymium. |
Zap skin cancers with Neodymium lasers. |
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very helpful thank you