25 Pearl Slogan

Are you looking for a slogan to market pearl for a school project or even real-life sales? Get some funny and good ideas from these famous best slogans. Use these campaign slogans to help market your ideas and projects. Combine and use these short slogans with pearl for the various product type of marketing such as pearl necklace, rings, business, or wholesale.

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Pearl Slogan
A pearl is only a pearl once it's out of its shell.
A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls.
Beauty is in every woman and girl, Each one as precious as a pearl
Heels, diamonds and pearls, Its a night out with my girls!
It's hard to be a pearl in a rhinestone world.
Keep calm and put your pearl's on.
Lets cover the world with glitter and pearls.
My pearls are my security blanket.
No gold-digging for me: I take pearls!
No grit, no pearl.
Pearls are a girl's best friend.
Pearls are always appropriate.
Pearls don't lie on the seashore. If you want one, you must dive for it.
Pearls go with everything.
Pearls of wisdom.
Pursue the pearls.
She is worth far more than rubies & pearls.
The pearl is the queen of gems, and the gem of Queens.
The world is your oyster, you are the pearl.
The world is your oyster. It's up to you to find the pearls.
Those who dive into the sea of affliction, bring up rare pearls!
What is important with pearls is the woman who is wearing them.
What strikes the oyster shell doesn't damage the pearl.
When trials come your way, look for the pearls.
You are the pearl of great price.

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Slogan for Pearls

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