Bismuth Slogan

Are you looking for catchy slogans for Bismuth to use for your school science project? These good slogan ideas for Bismuth mentions it’s general purposes and uses, and how we use Bismuth as water valves, in Pepto-Bismal, and how brittle it is as a metal. Please leave comments if you have more slogans for Bismuth!

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Bismuth Slogan
Agent 83 the heavy Bismuth.
Are you afraid of losing your home in a fire, no more with Bismuth sprinkler!
Bi Bro.
Bi the one with Bismuth
Bismuth born Brittle.
Bismuth, get it free from lead refine!
Bismuth, it’s a brittle thing.
Bismuth, it’s elemental!
Bismuth, pink by breathing in air.
Bismuth, so stable element with such high atomic mass!
Bismuth, used since 1400, finally recognized in 1753.
Bismuth, we love you.
Bismuth, weakly radioactive.
Bismuth, what a catalyst?
Brittle Bismuth.
Dense and pink metal, Bismuth!
Get things done with Bismuth.
Got Bismuth?
I like you more than Bismuth.
It’s a Bismuth thing, you wouldn’t understand.
It's Bismuth, not Lead.
Need a nontoxic valve? Bismuth fits the job!
Saves your tummy with Bismuth in one and only Pepto-Bismol.
Silvery by default like Bismuth.
The iridescent bismuth pigment.
There's no bismuth like cosmetics bismuth!
Your non-toxic lead replacement, the friendly Bismuth.
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