Polonium Slogan

Are you looking for catchy slogans for Polonium to use for your school science project? These good slogan ideas for Polonium mentions it’s general purposes and uses, and how we use Polonium mainly for research, spacecraft heat source, and anti-static applications. Please leave comments if you have more slogans for Polonium!

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Polonium Slogan
All artificial polonium in the world is made in Russia.
Alpha Polonium.
Anti-static Polonium.
Atomic heat source Polonium for short term uses.
Blue glowing Polonium.
Eliminate static dust with Polonium.
Feel the warmth of Polonium.
Get energized with Polonium.
Got Po? Polonium.
I’m 84, I’m Polonium.
I’m Polonium, handle me with care.
Keep space vehicles warm with Polonium.
Lethal Polonium.
Polonium for the Polish!
Polonium for your energy needs.
Polonium gives you cancer.
Polonium radioactive metal.
Polonium since 1898 by Marie and Pierre Curie.
Polonium, a heat source.
Polonium, a warm element.
Polonium, Agent 84.
Polonium, it’s a radioactive thing.
Polonium, it’s elemental.
Polonium, radioactive by birth.
Polonium, take care of it or else it will take you to the hell.
Radioactive Polonium.
Rare, silvery-gray, radioactive Polonium.
The silent assassin Polonium.
Tobacco polonium kills and cause lung cancer.
Very rare but natural Polonium.
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