Ruthenium Slogan

Are you looking for catchy slogans for Ruthenium to use for your school science project? These good slogan ideas for Ruthenium mentions it’s general purposes and uses, and how we use Ruthenium mainly chemical catalyst, metal alloy, and potential solar cell material. Please leave comments if you have more slogans for Ruthenium!

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Ruthenium Slogan
Air, water, and acid cannot affect Ruthenium.
Ammonia and acetic acid created with Ruthenium catalyst.
Bust the rust with Ruthenium.
Buy Ruthenium!
Chip resistors with Ruthenium dioxide with lead and bismuth.
Durability warranted by Ruthenium.
Electrical contacts made complete with Ruthenium.
Go green with future Ruthenium solar cells.
Hard Lustrous brittle Ruthenium.
Harden Platinum and Palladium with Ruthenium.
Have time to wait? Get Ruthenium from nuclear waste, wait 10 years for it to be safe to use!
It’s all about Ruthenium.
Jewelry made timeless with Ruthenium.
Just 0.1% Ruthenium improve Titanium corrosion resistance by 10000%+
Make your alloys last forever, Ruthenium.
Produce chlorine with the help of Ruthenium oxide.
Radioactive Ruthenium.
Rare Ruthenium.
Rare transitional metal Ruthenium.
Relatively cheaper Ruthenium.
Ruthenium harvests the power of the sun.
Ruthenium strong.
Ruthenium the only choice.
Ruthenium, agent 44.
Ruthenium, found from pentlandite naturally.
Ruthenium, named from Russia, Ruthenia.
Ruthenium, usually found with other platinum group metals.
Ruthenium: Hard & brittle.
Ruthenium: the new catalyst on the block.
Ruthenium: The ultimate catalyst.
Ruthenium: Try it, you will love it.
Rutheniumize it.
Shine like Ruthenium.
Shiny silvery Ruthenium metal.
Silvery-white Ruthenium.
Simply Ruthenium!
Strengthen your rings with Ruthenium.
Superconductivity achieved with strontium ruthenate.
Very rare Ruthenium.
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