68 Unicorn Slogans

Get the best unicorn slogans for your different unicorn-related occasions. Unicorn party, unicorn cake for your unicorn birthday. Or you could use unicorn phrases on different items such as t-shirts, mugs, prints, and more. Get inspired with the best unicorn slogans here.

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Unicorn Slogans
A friend told me I’m delusional. I almost fell off my unicorn.
Always be Yourself unless you can be a Unicorn then always be a Unicorn.
Be a Unicorn in a field of Horses.
Believe in Magic.
Believe in Unicorns.
Born to Ride Unicorns.
Dance with Fairies. Ride a Unicorn. Swim with Mermaids. Chase Rainbows.
Dream Big.
Dream like a Unicorn.
Everything is better with a unicorn.
Fairy Tale Unicorn.
Fantasy Unicorn.
Follow Your Dreams. They know the way.
Glitter Rainbow Unicorn.
Glow like a Unicorn.
Happiness is believing in Unicorns.
I adorn Unicorn.
I believe in Unicorns.
I choose to be a Unicorn.
I don't care. I'm a Unicorn.
I poop Glitter.
I poop Rainbows.
I wish I was a Unicorn, so I can stab Idiots with my Horn.
If all else fails, be a unicorn.
I'm a unicorn Forever.
I'm a unicorn in disguise.
I'm done adulting. Let's be Unicorns.
It's time to be a Unicorn.
Keep Calm and be a Unicorn.
Keep Calm and Poop Rainbows.
Let's get magical.
Life is all about Rainbows and Unicorns.
Life’s not easy for unicorns, you know. We’re a dying breed.
Love is Magical.
Love, Dream and Sparkle.
Magic Happens.
Magical Glitter Unicorn.
Me? A Mermaid? Grow Up Baby. They Don't Exist. I'm a Unicorn.
Music on Unicorn.
Now I will believe that there are unicorns.
Rainbow Please. I'm a Unicorn.
Rainbow Unicorn Vodka.
Real Unicorns have curves.
Say NO to Drugs. Say YES to Unicorns.
Sparkle like a Unicorn.
There is a very special Magic about you!
Think Like a Unicorn.
Time to be Unicorn.
Today I will be a unicorn.
Today is my Day- Unicorn Style.
Unicorn at Heart.
Unicorn Elixir.
Unicorn is my Spirit Animal.
Unicorn Kisses.
Unicorn- Magic Horn.
Unicorn Poop- Make your own magic.
Unicorn squad.
Unicorn Tears Gin.
Unicorn Vodka.
Unicorn whispers.
Unicorn. Make each day your masterpiece.
Unicorns are Awesome.
Unicorns are Real.
Unicorns can’t fly. I can’t fly. Therefore I am a unicorn.
Unicorn's Powers.
When I grow up, I want to be a Unicorn
You may have stopped believing in unicorns, but they never stopped believing in you.
You've got Magic in You.
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Slogans About Unicorns

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