Kentucky Slogan

Are you looking for Kentucky slogans and mottos? You are at the right place to find the one-liners and saying expressions easily. Use this comprehensive table to help you quickly find all the main Kentucky state motto and phrases! We have included official mottos and nicknames for the license plates.

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Kentucky SloganNote
United we stand, divided we fallMotto
Bluegrass StateOfficial Nickname
License Plate
The Bluegrass StateNickname
The Corn-cracker StateNickname
The Dark and Bloody Ground StateNickname
The Hemp StateNickname
The Tobacco StateNickname
Kentucky Unbridled SpiritTourism Slogan
Fewer oxy overdoses every yearSlogan
Five Million People, Fifteen Last NamesSlogan
Five Million People; Fifteen Last NamesSlogan
Gettin’ Lucky in KentuckySlogan
I’m so lucky to be from KentuckySlogan
It’s That FriendlySlogan
Not as many banjos as you thinkSlogan
The Bluegrass StateSlogan
Unbridled SpiritSlogan
Unfortunately, AbbreviatedSlogan
We’ve got the copyright on Fried Chicken!Slogan
Where Education PaysSlogan
Where Education PaysSlogan
You don’t need teeth for BourbonSlogan
Heaven must be a Kentucky kind of place.Sayings
I hope to have God on my side but I must have Kentucky.Sayings
I never met a Kentuckian who wasn’t either thinking about going home or actually going home.Sayings
I’ve always played music. But you know, in eastern Kentucky, everybody plays music.Sayings
If these United States can be called a body, then Kentucky can be called its heart.Sayings
If you don’t like basketball and you’re from Kentucky, they’ll kick you out!Sayings
It’s not the hours that you put in, it’s what you put in the hours.Sayings
Lust was edging confusion for the lead. Good sense had fallen far behind.Sayings
The people of Kentucky have had enough. They have had enough of bailouts for Wall Street banks.Sayings
To be born in Kentucky is a heritage; to brag about it is a habit; to appreciate it is a virtue.Sayings

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